Charge Installation Course
Go through this for a quick guide on how to install Futurehome Charge!
Responsible | Klaudia Nytko |
Last Update | 11/05/2024 |
Completion Time | 27 minutes |
Members | 47 |
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About Charge
About Charge
Pre Installation
Pre Installation
Pre Installation
Physical Installation
Physical Installation
Step 1: Preparation
Step 1: Preparation
Step 1: Preparation
Step 1: Preparation
Step 2: Installation
Step 2: Installation
Step 2: Installation
Step 2: Installation
Step 2: Installation
Futurehome Charge - installation
Setup in the app
Setup in the app
Step 1 of 6: Install the app
Step 2 of 6: Create a Household
Step 3 of 6: Configure Charge
Step 3 of 6: Configure Charge
Step 4 of 6: Circuit details
Step 5 of 6: Connect Charge
Step 5 of 6: Connect Charge
Step 6 of 6: Connect Charge
Handover: Transfer Charge to the user
Handover: Transfer Charge to the user
Congratulations, Course completed!
Course completed!
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